Backup Power System


Solar Man Group sells tailor-made systems consisting out of various products to choose from. This is to combat the inconvenient load-shedding and costly electrical bills.

These various multi purposed, professional pure DC Backup Power Solutions are utilized in order to successfully and totally counter the crippling public power outages. These outages can cause irreparable damage to numerous appliances, server failures and data losses, just to mention a few.

As seen here backup power systems can easily be applied in various contexts not only housing.

Solar Man SA - Store Interior. Solar Panel Suppliers.In our daily lives, when you are dependent on grid power with no backup-power, it could have negative long-term effects for not having power when you need it.

This can have adverse effects on abilities to conduct daily business. In turn effect sales and turnover which could cause considerable long-term damage.

Our Backup Power Solutions supplies you with an additional source of extremely efficient power when the grid goes down during load-shedding or power failures.

Get the best 220 AC volts delivery, as well as LOW load demand starter standbys including 100% sustainably only from Solar Man!

With this specific option the battery bank is kept fully charged by the grid using a special inverter.

The backup power stored (BPS), in the battery bank of batteries, as well as the power consumed determines the period that the specific backup power will last. Normally these special-inverter chargers have special automatic change overs that promptly switch over to the battery backup when the grid crashes. After usage, the battery will switch off for safety protection and will then start charging again.

Contact us for proper guidance and installation questions for your own solar backup solution.

Allow us to accurately identify which solar system will be suitable for you.

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